Our Certifications provide the tools you need, and the education required, to solve the challenges facing your clients at a nominal cost. Movement is Life and we are about to enhance your ability to change people’s lives forever.
Learn about the latest research in fascia and
movement, and how to apply it to your clients lives
Learn how specific advances in mobility research
will directly affect your clients game.
We are a team that holds experience training elite athletes for performance, the normal population for their health and fitness goals as well as rehabilitation clients who are experiencing movement challenges and pain. We are a diverse team that brings to the table experience as trainers, clinicians, product designers, educators, authors and innovators.
We are passionate about challenging the status quo, finding a better way to do things, continually evolving and grabbing life by the horns. We love all things movement including athletics, cross-training, performance training, mixed martial arts, yoga, etc.
We want to empower you and teach you concepts as opposed to techniques. You must master the former before the latter.